AB528 Préampli pour série 500, style Abbey Rd - DIY Analog Pro Audio
  • AB528 Préampli pour série 500, style Abbey Rd - DIY Analog Pro Audio
  • AB528 Préampli pour série 500, style Abbey Rd - DIY Analog Pro Audio

AB528 Préampli micro pour série 500

309,00 $
309,00 $ TTC
309,00 $ HT

Le AB528 est un préampli de classe A, couplé par transformateurs. Le design, datant de la fin des années 60, est inspiré par une console légendaire, utilisée dans le plus célèbre des studios Londonniens par les plus grands artistes, tels que les Beatles ou Pink Floyd.

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Bootstrap Image Preview

Le AB528 est un préampli de classe A, couplé par transformateurs. Le design, datant de la fin des années 60, est inspiré par une console légendaire, utilisée dans le plus célèbre des studios Londonniens par les plus grands artistes, tels que les Beatles ou Pink Floyd.

Le AB528 un préampli avec du caractère, un son vintage, chaleureux et soyeux, ayant beaucoup de personnalité lorsqu'on le pousse un peu.

Points remarquables

    • Transformateurs sur l'entrée et la sortie,
    • 0 à 60 dB de gain, 66dB sur 300 Ohms
    • Impédance d'entrée commutable : 300 Ohms, 1200 Ohms ou Ligne,
    • Entré DI, commutée par relais, le signal passant par les 2 transfos,
    • LED de signal et d'écrêtage,
    • Toutes les commutations de niveau faible faites par relais,
    • Composant de première qualité,
    • Circuit imprimé haut de game avec trous métallisés,
    • Assemblage facile,
    • Disponible assemblé ou en kit complet (tout inclus).

Bootstrap Image Preview


1 : Niveau de sortie Potentiomètre réglant le niveau d'attaque de l'étage de sortie. Agit comme un fader de console et permet de pousser le préampli sans saturer les convertisseurs.

2 : LED de signal/Ecrêtage S'allume en vert quant un signal est présent et en rouge 3 dB avant la saturation.

3 : Commutateur de gain Permet de régler le gain de +10 à +60dB.

4 : Impedance d'entrée Impédance standard de 1200 Ohms au centre. Impédance de 300 Ohms à gauche, utile pour les micros à ruban, cette position ajoute 6dB de gain. Impédance de 6 kOhms à droite pour les niveaux ligne.

5 : Polarité Définit la polarité (phase) du signal de sortie.

6 : Alimentation fantome envoyée au microphone.

7 : Entrée haute impedance (1.5 megohm) pour instruments. Le signal de l'instrument passe par les deux transformateurs.

Que contient le kit ?

Absolument tout!

  • Les composants passifs (résistances, condensateurs),
  • 2 transformateurs Carnhill,
  • Les composants actifs (diodes, transistors, LED, ...),
  • Les éléments de commande de la face avant (interrupteurs, potentiomètres, commutateur rotatif, boutons),
  • Les connecteurs, relais,
  • Les circuits imprimés,
  • la face avant et la plaque latérale,
  • La visserie

Vous apportez la soudure (choisir une soudure de bonne qualité, diamètre 1mm max) et la Lunchbox.

Niveau de difficulté

L'AB528 est un kit facile. Il n'y a pas de réglage à faire.


Références spécifiques

Technical specifications

Mesure Conditions Valeur
Courant d'alimentation au repos Pas de signal d'entrée

V+ : +85mA
V- : -82mA

Impédance d'entrée f=1kHz 300Ω, 1200Ω and 6kΩ
Niveau de sortie maximum avant écrêtage f=1kHz +27.6dBu
Gain maximum   +60dB (+66dB sur 300 Ohms)
Bruit équivalent à l'entrée (EIN) Zin=0Ω
Bande passante=20-30kHz
Réponse en fréquence Gain=+40dB
Déviation < 1dB
THD f=1kHz
< 0.015%
THD f=1kHz
< 0.07%
Impédance de l'entrée DI   > 1.5MΩ


MP573 vs AB528 comparaison sur guitare acoustique



Nimrod Sz

Awesome thickness!

This was my second Sound Skulptor pre, and like the first one, was very easy to build due to the very detailed assembly guide. Every component is of high quality. But here comes the best part: the sound of this pre is unbelievable! It makes everything sound thick and full. Amazing on any instrument or voice. If driven hard on drums, it does that beautiful saturation, cuts down the peaks, while adding even more punchiness to the sound. Gorgeous!


Tom T

My own private Abbey Road!

I’m a rookie in soldering, so I did some cheap 10€ practice kits before building this preamp.
The instructions you get are very clear and - with the help of some pictures - easy to follow (but still, stay focused!!).
Off course I made a mistake somewhere, but Jean-Pierre was very helpful (thanks, JP!!).
In the end we got it running.
I’ve just finished building my 3rd AB528 and they all work fine (and they look great!)!

I have the preamps on a RME soundcard and two ISA-One preamps.
For me, the AB528 is definitively at the same quality level, but it adds more character.
You can really distort the sound if you push it hard enough.
The DI generates a nice full sound!

Other than that it’s even more satisfying to use gear that you assembled yourself!
Thanks for making this possible!!
Currently working on my 4th …


Tom T


I’m a rookie in soldering, so I did some cheap practice kits before building this preamp.
The instructions are very clear and thanks to the pictures easy to follow (but still, stay focused!!).
Off course I made a mistake somewhere, but Jean-Pierre was very helpful (thanks, JP!!).
I’ve just finished building my 3rd AB528 and they all work fine!

I have my RME preamps on the soundcard and two ISA-One preamps.
For me, the AB528 is definitively at the same quality level, but it adds more character.
Also the DI generates a nice full sound!

Other then that it’s even more satisfying to use gear that you assembled yourself!
Thanks for making this possible!!
Working on my 4th …

Emil Sarlija

Awesome preamp

I've built tube amps, transceivers, radios, fuzz boxes, but this is my first pro audio kit and my first 500 series module. The documentation is detailed and excellent, the quality of parts is high, and the panel looks professional. There is no need to trawl through forums for information, all the information needed to build it is an a few PDF files. It worked the first time and the finished module looks as good as a commercial product. Yes, it also sounds beautiful and crisp. I got way more than my moneys worth and plan on building more Sound Skulptor modules. These are kits done properly.


The Better Maker

First, while I have assembled other DIY kits, there were certain aspects with this kit that were challenging. Soldering the pin connectors was not exactly easy. I made sure to go over the instructions many times before each step and I took my time. The pay off was that the preamp worked after the final step and has worked solidly since. (I did have one issue in the middle of the build, but JPK quickly rectified it. Wonderful customer service.)

I have never recorded through an EMI preamp or the TG, but what I can tell you is that everything is thicker recorded through the AB528. For example, my snare through an SM57 has more detail and just needs less eq and/or compression.

Using some other old dynamics on guitar with the gain cranked up and the output trim low, really gave some pleasing sounds.

Even the cheap 20 dollar monoprice ribbon mic had depth yet a richness on guitar room.

Keep in mind this is a home studio that is not fully treated. I feel like this mic pre is a better maker, and the kind of tool I want more of in my studio. I definitely see more Sound Skulptor products in my future.

Matt Stephanson

One's not enough!

This is an amazingly well put-together kit and was done in a slow afternoon. The sound is solid, even pushing on thick or massive (ya words), without being wooly. This pre renders a room with a very accurate sense of space - I would want to put up a pair for OH duties.

So far, just used it on vocal tracking where it's been a treat. Dialing up the gain while reducing the output is so functional in this pre - it's all smiles. Plus - there's the very cool faceplate and knobs.

PCB layout and quality is great, no issues whatsoever installing everything.

Next on the list is a second of these before trying out that Vari-mu comp! Thanks, JP!

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AB528 Préampli micro pour série 500

Le AB528 est un préampli de classe A, couplé par transformateurs. Le design, datant de la fin des années 60, est inspiré par une console légendaire, utilisée dans le plus célèbre des studios Londonniens par les plus grands artistes, tels que les Beatles ou Pink Floyd.

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