Hi, just in case my last message got unnoticed :
Hello again,
So I took the time to do a few comparison tests with my TS500 pair regarding this curious "expending" behavior.
I sent a drum track and a full mix to the TS500, and you can clearly hear the ambiance sounds "disapear".
Listen to the reverbs on the "Mix" track, and to the room sound on the "Drums" track.
I also recorded the flipped phase versions of the tracks (null test), and what reamains is mainly reverbs and ambiance.
https://soundcloud.com/igormoreno/sets/ts500-testsThe "tape effect" is often described as compression and saturation, but compression and saturation would make the ambiance sounds more obvious, right ?
This is more like an expander.
So my question is : Is this normal for the TS500 to act like that, or is there something wrong with mine ?
Thanks !