Here is where I am:
Setup Channel 1, Step 6.
Signalflow: line level XLR from my USB Audio interface > into Monitor Controller > into Heritage Audio OST-4 V2 lunchbox > CP4500 connected via XT500 extension.
Doublechecked the CP4500:
Threshold +15
Makeup 0
Mix 100%
From Pro Tools Signal Generator, I am already sending 0dBFS and a fair amount of gain through my Monitor Controller into the lunchbox > CP4500. Can't get the DMM say 3.0 VAC staying within reasonable output gain of the monitor controller. DMM reads 0.3 VAC. Trimmers + Threshold + Makeup Gain work as expected.
I am new to DIY (and admittedly, using a DMM as well) - so just to doublecheck: The DMM should be connected to pins 2 (+) and 3 (-) of the XT500 (TP positions "2" and "4") / respectively of the XLR output pins of the Lunchbox..? I tried each combination, but no 3.0 VAC with makeup gain at 0.
Not sure If i can proceed to the next PCB like this

Thanks in advance!
PS: in case the pictures below show as gigantic as on my screen, with shift + mousewheel I am able to scroll right where you can see the pins etc.