MC624 Monitor Controller / Re: Back panrl assembly
« on: November 06, 2023, 12:33:57 AM »
OK, since no one replied with a better solution, I had to de-solder the "Input 2" XLRs, which without a proper de-soldering gun would be impossible, and someone would certainly damage the PCB. The pins on those XLRs are bent like a zig-zag so without a desoldering gun it would have been very very difficult to get them out because they fit in the holes so tightly
The TRS inputs to the immediate left of the Input 2 XLRs stick out so far that is simply isn't possible to to get the all 4 release tabs from the XLRs through the holes, and still get the panel over the protruding TRS connectors, without bending the panel like a pretzel, or breaking the PCB.
If someone has done it, I'd love to see a video of it.
Otherwise I think the build Docs need to be revised NOT to solder the Input 2 XLRs until you're assembling the back panel
The TRS inputs to the immediate left of the Input 2 XLRs stick out so far that is simply isn't possible to to get the all 4 release tabs from the XLRs through the holes, and still get the panel over the protruding TRS connectors, without bending the panel like a pretzel, or breaking the PCB.
If someone has done it, I'd love to see a video of it.
Otherwise I think the build Docs need to be revised NOT to solder the Input 2 XLRs until you're assembling the back panel