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Topics - conorc

Pages: [1]
EQP501 Passive Equalizer / alternative opamps
« on: April 15, 2021, 05:22:39 AM »
Hi there, 
I’m wondering if i can use a capi ca-0252 or a gar 1731 in the 501? 

TS500 Tape Simulator / types of OPA2134
« on: April 13, 2021, 03:19:59 PM »
Hi all,

I have just finished building a pair of TS500s and everything went smoothly except for one little issue. On one unit, the OPA2134 was in backwards, so when i plugged it in I noticed some magic smoke. I powered it down in a hurry and there's no major damage done it seems –the 2134 from the other unit works fine in there and it all sounds great, but I have a couple of questions as I want to use these 2 units in stereo and to make sure that there's no issues.

1. I can get Texas Instruments OPA2134s more easily and cheaply than Burr Browns. Would there be a sonic difference if I used one in one unit? (again, thinking about stereo applications)

2. Might the power transistor (Q1) have been damaged by the reversed opamp and should I replace that too?


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