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Topics - Kliozotis

Pages: [1]
LA502 Optical Compressor / La 502 0 VAC ON OUTPUT
« on: November 03, 2021, 07:55:16 PM »
I finish my first la 502.
When start to setup, the voltages dc are fine.
I read 1VAC With bypass but, when i put in the IN position, 0 VAC, no matter the gain pot marker. 
I try to measure in the R17, same result with 100% gain. 
The voltage 0V with TP1 are 14vac, no voltage at dc meter. 
The ohm are 5r at this points. 

I try to find the issue but, i can't.
Maybe someone can help me. 

Thanks in advance. 
Eduardo Norte 

Pages: [1]