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Topics - heathwj

Pages: [1]
EQP501 Passive Equalizer / EQ worked for awhile then stopped
« on: January 08, 2021, 04:13:40 AM »
Hi! I built the EQP recently and it looked good voltage-wise when i tested it. I went to use it for the first time and it was amazing! Everything worked as expected and sounded fantastic.

I was using it on a project today and it was fine in the beginning and then it started to create a lot of distortion, it started as subtle but then became totally distorted and low volume. Now the EQ won’t play any signal when it is active, signal still gets passed through when it’s bypassed.

I have used it probably for a total of 2 hours in total over the last 2 days and had no issues until now.

Any idea how i can bring this beautiful EQ back to life? Perhaps a component was faulty and died very quickly?

My unit does generate a bit of heat and an “electrical smell” but no burning and smoke or anything dramatic. Just an old school electronics smell.

Thanks for your help.

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